Being Mobile – Online K – 12 (Tony Bates).

Tony Bates – 25 year consultant in online learning for higher education

In my 2020 Fall course for ETEC 565B, I had a blast with one assignment, following Tony Bates Twitter Feed. I thought, well I wonder what he is up to right now? Sure enough, I found a fresh tweet 22 hours old since the time I posted this. It is a delightful post from Contact North summarizing all of Tony’s observations of the strengths and weakness of online learning, particularly in the context of K – 12 documented during the pandemic. This is such an important topic since so much has occurred with the government mandates of emergency teaching. In Tony’s perspective much can be learned and improved concerning the delivery methods of such course design (sync, async, hybrid, blended), since not every course faired well during emergency teaching. We as teachers can all learn much for this experience.

For anyone who does not know Tony Bates, he is the expert when it comes to methods of online learning. If your group was selected to construct their final project on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Learning), this is your living expert on the topic. Perhaps you would like to share some of your challenges and successes with emergency teaching. Feel free to below.

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