5G Networks and the Classroom Ecosystem

Technology, 5G, Aerial, Abstract Background
How will the digital age reshape learning and teaching?

I have really been enjoying the wealth of information our peers have been providing for our discussion in mobile culture. I am likely jumping the gun in terms of our weekly plan, however, the first Zoom meeting for our group project popped the question of how all of these mobile devices connect to 5G. Though this article was published in April of 2019, the timeframe of the Canadian Federal Government’s 5G Strategy is consistent. In order to get a better understanding of the mobile culture surrounding the classroom, one needs a general picture of its physical ecosystem. Many of the devices chosen in the Frontier Polls are mentioned in this article. Implications that are good and bad are also listed in connection to 5G Networks. I hope by sharing this article, it can help each group with their shared project, since some will be presenting within a few weeks time.


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