Graphing can be fun! I use Desmos and GeoGebra almost every day in my Math class. These are available online as well as on iOS and Android devices. Students can easily download the apps and use them on their mobile devices for free.
Both of these tools have interactive activities and games available for different ages groups. Here are some examples:

What I also love about Desmos and GeoGebra is that there are quiz components and it’s a great tool for assessments (both formative and summative). There are sharing options as well and all you need to do is share a link to an activity you’ve created for students to have access to it. For students that need better visual for mathematical diagrams and graphing would find this tool very useful.
If you teach Math and you haven’t tried these tools yet, I highly recommend it!
GeoGebra offers a powerful suite of tools for anyone in need of best-in-class graphing and geometry tools, and for those interested in exploring further and creating problem-based learning in the Augmented Reality world, or even better to collaboratively create a modelling exercise, try your luck with a 3D graphing calculator and AR for iOS and share your resources with the world on the GeoGebra site. Let others copy your models to help create their own worlds.
What I like about this initial post is the nod to formative learning, and perhaps inadvertently that it features an image of a quiz created by Tim Brzezinski, who is perhaps one of the most prolific and creative users of GeoGebra and who publicly shares his models and demonstrations. Yes, he did join the GeoGebra development team. Who wouldn’t want such a competent and collaborative learner helping others to teach with these robust tools?
Check out more great resources:
GeoGebra home:
Tim Brzezinski at GeoGebra, especially the 3D Modelling with AR series:
Tim Brzezinski on YouTube:
Hi Seo-Whi,
I too have enjoyed using Desmos in my math classes. I love the dynamic graphing in real time that lets you see the components of a linear function or a quadratic, etc. I have dabbled in Geogebra, but not nearly as much as Desmos.
Hi Philip,
I use Desmos a lot more as well. I think GeoGebra would work better with younger students (just my personal opinion).