Mini Programs or APPs in the coming future

When anyone or any business wanted to develop an online product, application/APPs are the mail carrier to make it happen. People search for APPs, download them and then use them on various mobile devices. However, to develop a new APP, it needs to be compatible with various versions of mobile systems, say, Android or iOS, and also different types of mobile devices, such as iPad, Apply, Sumsung, Huawei, etc. It is increasingly costly for new startup businesses to cater to so many technical issues, especially for education companies, which have limited resources of IT or UI teams.

However, there are hundreds of applications that have a DAU (daily active users) of over 100 Mio, such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Wechat, etc. Mini program, embedded into these well-established APPs, could leverage the technology advancement. Mini program is a relatively independent 2nd-level application developed and installed into main applications, such as Wechat. Mini programs are developed by various individuals, institutes, or companies with ALL functions of a separate application. But, Mini program could save the cost, energy, and time for developers to develop various versions but showing only the same contents. This is a video I made to show the current Mini program embedded in Wechat.

This is not an imaginary future, nor technology frontiers. However, it is becoming current and the trend for startup ed-tech companies to launch their ideas onto the market, collect clients’ feedbacks, and adapt with the lowest cost before huge capital investment coming in. There is no highly sophisticated technology involved. But it is achievable for most educators who wanted to have their own programs or universal applications.

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One response to “Mini Programs or APPs in the coming future”

  1. BrittanyHack

    This post is very original Nini.

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