VR/AR/MR tech and now XR What?

I am familiar with VR and AR technology. I was examining and critically thinking about the possibility of combining VR/AR technology. A master teacher expressed his understanding of thought process and development. I was creating a lesson plan for gifted grade 1 students on phonics. The master teacher explained that gifted children will learn as adults do and develop though faster than we understand. I was having a difficult time creating lessons since the students completed the activity in less than 10 minutes it became stressful. The master teacher asked me an interesting question, “why are you making life hard for yourself? If you have a thought or idea guaranteed someone developed that idea already. Look for it and use it. Don’t recreate the wheel.” The first assignment (A1) idea is a combination of VR/AR, which I recently learned is called MR (Mixed reality). After doing some research on MR and discovered XR. I came to terms with VR/AR/MR and now the development XR. I immediately thought of the movie ‘Valerian and the City of thousand planets.’


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3 responses to “VR/AR/MR tech and now XR What?”

  1. elizabeth

    The video was more than just informative. It made one excited for a futuristic mlearning unrestricted by a screen to an untethered layered digital and actual world. So overtones exist in the video that the sixth sense technology shelved years earlier is no longer gathering dust. Instead, the promise is of technology coming together in an interoperable interface that bridges the user’s intangible and tangible worlds and provides them with a sense of presence in the ensuing mix.

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  2. Wendy Mulligan

    Wow! XR is fascinating. This gets me wondering how we might be using this technology in education in the future. Thank you for sharing!

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  3. BrittanyHack

    Tyrone this is great digital material for the ETEC 523 OER vault.

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