VR Dissections by VictoryXR

Products | VictoryXR – Education Solutions for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Though VR headsets are just beginning to appear in schools, it is just a matter of time before the biology curriculum becomes much more enriched. There are many apps now that utilize AR to make diagrams in texts come to life in 3D, but to truly understand the scale and organization of organic structures, VR holds a lot of promise. VictoryXR is one such company that specializes in providing VR dissections. This company has been featured in tech magazines and some of its products are available on Steam. VR dissection’s sustainability, better ethics, increased safety, and decreased cost will make it a desirable addition to the curriculum. For reference, a preserved cat costs $60-120 depending on what it is preserved in, the age/sex of the cat, and whether it is pregnant. A VR cat from VictoryXR is $39.99 on Steam.

More on this in my upcoming A1.

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4 responses to “VR Dissections by VictoryXR”

  1. Elixa Neumann

    It’s funny you should post this… I just completed a full virtual tour with VictoryXR Academy this past Friday and I was unbelievably amazed by the technological developments in Education! The have revolutionized what a classroom can be, look like and feel. They offer tours every two weeks, so I highly encourage you to try one out! You can do the tour through Zoom, desktop or VR platform and you will be amazed by the developments they have!

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  2. michael meroniuk

    Thanks for sharing Ying! What an amazing way to impact schools in both an ethical and financial way. Honestly, after watching the video demonstrations of this technology, it seems more superior for a gades school level. Many students have a hard time focusing on the process of dissection the first time in general. I remember in my high school biology class other students were throwing pieces of the dead frogs at each other. While I’m a huge fan and tactile experiences in learning, this definitely seems like a much better opinion. The fogs and cats will thank us!

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  3. sean gallagher

    On behalf of the frogs, cats and baby pigs, hurrah!

    This really is an excellent development. And really, for so many years students stood over disgusting, formalin-soaked critters trying not to gag because that was the only feasible way to study animal anatomy “hands on”. If this is cheaper, sustainable, more ethical and a little less gross, that’s a win!

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  4. BrittanyHack

    I am looking forward to your A1 project Ying

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