3 responses to “6G Tech is Coming!”

  1. elizabeth berger

    6G already? I’m still wrapping my head around 5G and how that will change the way we work and play. Let’s recognize that 6G is not coming to us any time soon; at least not in this decade. A lot is still unknown about 6G as companies and governments around the world race to develop it. We do know that the sixth generation of wide-are technology will be fast; it will be up to 100 times faster than 5G which is up to 10 times faster (varies depending on factors) than 4G! What does that mean? Mobile devices will be powerful, and we’ll be able to accomplish the unimaginable. So let’s have fun and imagine this: the new 911 experience. You come across a small child who’s been seriously hit by a car. You are struck with panic but know enough to pull out your phone and scan the child and the environment around you and her. Ally (an AI Doctor) pops up on your phone and starts calmly walking will you through the steps of how to save her life using the materials around you. What would you like to see 6G do?

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  2. BrittanyHack

    I am not surprised with this development. If anything it shows how far we are behind when it comes to improving our grid capacity. On a good note, like mobile smartphones, it has been identified that the bells and whistles on the newer phones are not much more vs the model previous to it. It is likely that this may be the case for 6G. It is common to get these little blips of development before a major jump in innovation is made. I believe we still have time before the next big jump in the grids.

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  3. lyndsay barrett

    This certainly feels like we’re watching history books being written as it happens (is it just me or is this sensation more common than usual lately?).
    I wonder if the “arms race” aspect of it will mean a shorter life for 5G than we expect? Or is 6G still just too far away?

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