Better Online Meetings

There are many different programs and technologies for online conferences like Zoom, Google Meets, etc., which have allowed us to take learning and work anywhere. But there are still limitations to online video conferences so I started looking into technologies that can help improve them.

I came across this website, and here are some details on their Meeting OWL devices:

Here is a video on how OWL Pro can be used in an educational setting.

In my personal opinion (and as an online teacher), I thought online learning can’t fully replicate person-to-person learning that happens in a physical classroom. However, I can see something like this (along with other VR and/or AR technologies) changing that. You may need to carry a few difference mobile technologies with you (for now) but eventually, virtual and person-to-person may not look so different from each other.

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One response to “Better Online Meetings”

  1. janice roper

    Wow. That appears to be a good solution to some of the challenges of hybrid teaching and learning. Zoom with a laptop or desktop computer has its challenges when there is a group of people in one room. I wonder if the cost of technologies like this will continue to decrease as demand increases. I also wonder if some form of hybrid is here to stay in many schools and therefore maybe something like this is already worth the investment.

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