5G Networks Explained in 3 Minutes

Technology, 5G, Icon, Person, Man, Tablet, Inflation
What is 5G?

After reviewing some of the materials posted in our WordPress, I have come to an understanding that some individuals may find the concept of 5G networks very confusing. If this may be you, it is completely understandable. Though I worked in the telecom industry, it was common to find concepts confusing. To help everyone regardless of where they may be in their ETEC journey, I have decided to post this video of our favourite science teacher Bill Nye. Even though he is advertising for TMobile, the physics of how 5G works is correct. When you watch this video, please consider the concept of you and your school. Even though some large cities have 5G, the infrastructure for the home or an industry has not been fully set up, rather it consists of small pockets. The big push for 5G is at the end of 2021 when installation and subscription costs decrease, which at that point you will see more visibility of advertising at the commercial level. No school at this point has established 5G infrastructure yet. The push for the public sector comes after the commercial markets become saturated and competing telcos search for alternative organic growth. You can think of 6G networks a another consumer product for high spenders to sync their money into.

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One response to “5G Networks Explained in 3 Minutes”

  1. nini mao

    This is a great video to understand 5G in a much easier way. There is a big fact mentioned in the video that dawned on me: how would this 5G be applied in a big country like Canada, with much less population and much lower density? Would it really worth the investment?

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