Companion Robots

If there were companion robots that can live with us at home to do chores, guard the house, teach, play with children, and give us health advice, would you consider getting one? These social companion robots or humanoids can exist in different forms and shapes and the technology is advancing quickly. Here is a video of Jimmy Fallon singing a duet with a companion robot, Sophia. The part that I found a bit “freaky” was the expressions and facial movements of Sophia.

I will be covering this topic more in detail for my A3 and I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on companion robots!

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2 responses to “Companion Robots”

  1. Evelyne Tsang

    Hi Seo-Whi,
    It took me some time to figure out my feelings about robot companions before I could respond.
    I found some interesting papers for and against robot companions:

    When I saw the four-legged headless robot on the Jimmy Kimmel show, I immediately thought of the Harlow Monkey Experiment ( This (unethical) experiment soberly revealed a need for comforting Interaction over a metallic object that dispenses the basic needs.
    Meeting the little sister of Sophia reminded me of Pleo the dinosaur ( that I got to play with at a conference and still have on my wishlist.

    When pushed to make a choice, I would hesitate to have any of Kimmel’s robot guests live in my home with me and my family. I do not wish to cross the line from interactive automaton to an AI-take-the-initiative robot.
    Basically, I would like a cute, cuddly robot pet, and then I prefer the static dishwasher in my kitchen or the puck-shaped robot vacuum (mine is called Rolly). I wouldn’t want something that looked too much like an actual metal robot or a realistic living thing.

    Thank you for asking this very personal and self-projecting question. I am curious to see your A3!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Seo-Whi Kwon

      Hi Evelyne,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I was actually looking at the two links you’ve shared as well.
      I also have a robot vacuum and a couple personal assistance devices at home, and as much as I am concerned with security, I do have to admit, it does make my life easier. From the first article, I found SAM to be the most interesting and something I would consider having at home. For me, it’s finding the sweet spot. Technology that is not intimidating but is still advanced enough to be able to provide assistance.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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