WEB 3.0

The dawn of Web 3.0 is among us! Anyone excited?


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2 responses to “WEB 3.0”

  1. philip pretty

    Hi Michael,
    Very interesting read that reminded of a book my friend recommended called Life 3.0. by Max Tegmark. Another medium article (https://medium.com/create-intelligently/interesting-books-life-3-0-by-max-tegmark-fed843dbe8ab)delves in to Tegmark’s work and manages to draws parallels between Issac Asimov, Phillip K. Dick, Frank Herbert and Alan Turing to name a few intellectual heavy weights. Spoiler alert; this medium article does feature a hilarious story about Neil Armstrong. Thanks for triggering the 3.0 cascade!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. michael meroniuk

      Phillip, what a fascinating article thank you so much for sharing. I like how the Robots just started to create their own language. I wonder if the same will be true with future main stream AI technology resulting in humans just becoming bystanders to the unique communication system created by machines.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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