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Digital Badges – a tool for motivating students

Digital Badges – a tool for motivating students

I came across this article as I was researching for an online curriculum project I’m working on. The Mac Arthur Foundation defines a digital badge as “an assessment and credentialing mechanism that is housed and managed online. Badges are designed to make visible and validate learning in both formal and informal settings.” A digital badge looks similar […]

Forecasting NFC – Implantation of NFC tags in Classrooms

Even though this piece of technology hasn’t necessarily seen a surge in popularity. NFC could play an innovative role in a niche environment within technology applications in education. QR codes had a break out into the education scene but hadn’t quite caught on as far as they were implemented in education. NFC can overtake QR […]

The KFConsole? It’s true!!!!!

Ok! So my nephew came to visit me over the weekend. He always has a sly look with a small smile every time he shares a story or the latest technology on the market. 9 out 10 times, my nephew fibs to get me excited just to watch me search for 30 minutes for the […]

Throwaway Society

Throwaway Society

The average lifespan of electronics ranges from 1.5 to 13 years with the majority of these devices lasting around 4.5 years. I believe this is a massive issue, especially for schools and educators.  Applying for a grant to buy new technology for your school is a process with no guarantee of getting funding. Many school […]

Are Scanners/Printers Necessary?

Are Scanners/Printers Necessary?

Have you or your students used CamScanner to scan assignments and/or documents? With mobile devices allowing scan options with cameras, do we really need scanners anymore? CamScanner is the most common app I’ve noticed my students using but there are other options like iScanner or Google Lens App. If you have an iPad, the newer […]

AI: Replacing the Designers of Today?
A3 – Terrain Check / Trek Check

A3 – Terrain Check / Trek Check

I envision mobile technology to make backcountry activities like snowmobiling much safer. My project is divided into 2 related technologies: Terrain Check, which is meant to be incorporated into the Avalanche Skills Training curriculum developed by Avalanche Canada, and Trek Check, which is a retail AR visor (built into the goggles you wear on your […]