Have you or your students used CamScanner to scan assignments and/or documents? With mobile devices allowing scan options with cameras, do we really need scanners anymore?
CamScanner is the most common app I’ve noticed my students using but there are other options like iScanner or Google Lens App. If you have an iPad, the newer iOS updates integrated scanning option via the Files application.

I have noticed that the transformation to online classes and online work submissions is almost forcing students to find ways to do assignments online and these scanner apps are playing a huge role in that. Maybe we won’t need physical scanners or printers anymore, as applications like DocuSign are already being used widely across businesses. So does this also mean we won’t need paper anymore…?

Hi Seo-Whi
You raise a very good question here. With our mobile devices taking over so many functions, we need less and less hardware (like scanners, recording devices, calculators…) which frees up more and more space – at least ‘real’ space. Digital space is becoming a whole other issue. I’m finding that with scanning and downloading so many things, I am continually running out of disk space between my photos and various files. I need more time and help to sort through and delete files that I don’t need.
That being said, I teach at an online/distance learning branch of our school district, and students do have the option to submit hard-copies, but most scan their documents and submit through the drop-box which is much more convenient for marking.
One issue that comes up is the clarity of the scans. Students often upload poor quality scans that are very difficult to read. Perhaps the future mobile scanners can have an extra feature where they detect the quality and automatically correct for blurry photos, enhance writing or touch-up photo scans, etc. Many ways this could be very useful.
One thing I will add, is that printers will probably always have a place because it is easier sometimes to print out a hard copy of a document to annotate and draw on rather than digitally. Perhaps my own preference and opinion, but I may be wrong.
Hi Marlis,
Thanks for the reply! I also teach online and we use Canvas. Canvas has options for submitting documents, files, and pictures online so students have been learning to do that this year. I agree with you. I have also noticed very poor quality scans but students are getting better at it! It’s interesting to see the improvement because it’s not something I taught them!
I understand what you mean. I use my iPad extensively and it has replaced having paper copies of documents, books, and notes but I do still prefer paper for certain things. Sometimes, I would purchase books on Kindle or borrow books online using apps like Libby but other times, I would buy books because I want to have hard copies. I would like to add that the option to have paper or online copies are being offered in a wide range of fields so maybe it’ll just come down to personal preferences.