4 responses to “MarvelApp – A Design Tool for Non-Coders (and non-designers)”

  1. sheena outerbridge sjoberg

    hi Lori
    Thank you for a great post. After toying with the idea of pursuing coding for some time, this article really inspires me – rather like moving from point A ( fledgling ) to a more comfident learner. I will definitely be exploring your sites.

    Best regards Joy

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Anna Ayoung-Stoute

    Hi Lori,
    Thank you for your post. As I myself would love to learn to code. As mobile technology progresses, I believe that coding is essential and relevant to educational technology. Last semester I realized the significance of these skills in a group project as there was only one coder for designing our site. I view coding as the new literacy which educators need to be familiar for instructional and design purposes. As students will need to understand coding when they enter the workforce; therefore, teaching the basics is necessary for today’s mobile society. This article outlines for teaching coding in K-5 classrooms (6 Reasons for Coding in K-5 Classrooms): https://www.iste.org/explore/In-the-classroom/6-reasons-for-coding-in-K-5-classrooms

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Esther Yang

    Thank you for sharing this post, Lori!
    I really enjoyed reading your A-3 project with CC4Me App! I will explore the designing platforms you included in the post and use them for the future assignments in the MET program!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. BrittanyHack

    Hi Lori:

    You found quite a tool for design. Great timing too. I spoke with an instructor from the ESL community who was concerned about the use of technology. She also expressed concern with her confidence using online tools. I would say this would be a great tool to introduce those new to design within the mobil world. Not only is it important to build confidence among students but also our fellow instructors who may not feel comfortable in a tech world.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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