AI Super TA
My focus of A3 assignment is Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistance. I believe that AI technology can allow educators to fully understand students’ level of understanding and provide instructional and emotional attention that students need in both traditional classrooms and mobile or online learning platforms. Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant I have included a Jamboard in this presentation […]
A3 – The Future of Technology in Education
I have a love and passion for language and culture revitalization. I am learning that technology is an asset to archiving and recording valuable cultural and language of Siksika. In order to achieve my dream of fluent speaking and culturally aware students it begins with the classroom. Also, support of community members and most important […]
Robot Teacher
We’ve all thought it! As we begin to see the death of Big Box stores, witness the birth of drone delivery and self-driving vehicles. How long until we’re replaced? Or do you think teachers will still be needed but might just take on a different role? Would robots teaching the same lessons at the same […]
Brain-Computer Interface for Cognitive Augmentation
The advances in computing science and understanding of neuroscience is making it realistic for humans to enhance their cognitive capability and augment their decision-making skills. The human learning and information processing capacity can be significantly increased if machines can detect, monitor and track the behaviour of the human brain at cellular level. The limitations of […]
A3 – Intelligent Prototyping System for Developing Smart Products
Nowadays, the term “smart product” has become prominent in our daily life. I believe many of you can easily pull out a few items with the label “smart”. Thinking of how your smart phone can upgrade its program while you are sound asleep before dawn, it would probably not be difficult for you to understand that a product and […]
Lost in technology? Some statistics from 669 posts
I have been thinking about open learning vs mobile learning, which impacts more, although, we all know that the combination makes the final difference. Is technology leading the way of learning or the needs of learning leading the advancement of technology? Am I lost in technology and thus forfeited the core of learning? How do […]
PreciseWebMed (PWM)
The PreciseWebMed (PWM) is a Web APP designed to reduce the time from symptom perception to accurate diagnosis, building a bridge between the patient in need and precise health assistance. Early detection and screening programs lead to more diagnoses for cancer, depression, and rheumatic disorders. Early detection provides treatments with a higher cure rate and […]
A3 – Who’s ready for the AR-Podcast?
Imagine you turn on a news podcast unpacking a complicated geopolitical story. You’re making dinner as you listen but glance up at a once-blank wall now covered with a graphical map. You hear the perspective of each interest group as you select various regions. Icons document trade and diplomatic relationships as you hear about them. […]
A-3: January 1st, 1900 – The Future of Age Verification
My journey through ETEC 523 has led me down a rabbit hole of information surrounding policies concerning underage mobile users and the content that underage mobile users are consuming. For Assignment 3, I have decided to take a look at the past, present, and future speculations around age-verification mechanisms and their relationship with the underage […]
A3 – What’s for Dinner? A future app to solve an age old question.
How often do we struggle to decide what to make or what recipe to use? Imagine yourself hungry and opening the fridge, pantry or looking at a take out menu to decide what to have and you can’t decide. What if there was an app that allowed you to take a photo and recognize the […]