Mobile Musings from a Story Nerd

Hello Everyone,

Smiling after just having read Brendan’s post as I’m on the tail end of my MET journey too, and in fact I expect this will be my last regular MET course. Very much glad that it is one of David’s courses as his other course helped me to begin to further flush out an edtech venture that I’ve started developing and has been exciting my imagination. As the main platform for that edtech venture is via mobile devices, I am excited for this course to continue to think through that, and then to hopefully to continue work through via an ETEC 580.

I’ve also increasingly been playing on some new mobile platforms as a way of connecting with others, sharing ideas and having broader conversations, and engaging others around storytelling and games throughout the pandemic, which has been giving me new reflections on the worlds that my mobile device opens up to me. I am looking forward to exploring those reflections in a nerdier way through this course, as well as exploring some of the beta tests of new mobile apps and platform deliveries that I’ve been invited to.

Aside from my musings as to what excites me in what we will be exploring here, to introduce myself, I am interactive and immersive storyteller and educator. The video below gives you a small glimpse into my eclectic world and career.

And this video gives you a glimpse into the sort of stories that I craft, which I’d typically describe as nerdy with heart.

At present, I’ve been having fun podcasting with live studio audiences and building resources around the Web Monetization Standard (which I highly recommend looking into if you create digital content).

Work / creative world aside, I am a cat mom to a tortie terror, crazy Auntie Erica, a traveller, an experimenter in the kitchen, and a nature nerd.

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11 responses to “Mobile Musings from a Story Nerd”

  1. TeganSoros

    Wonderful to meet you Erica! Than you for sharing the context and connection into your eclectic world 🙂

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  2. Nicole Kenny

    Erica – This is my first semester in MET and having watched your videos and read your post I’m sad I’ll not to join you in my future classes! I too am a storyteller, or perhaps more correctly, try to help others become comfortable telling stories as a way to improve transferring knowledge to others particularly with corporate and job training. Thanks for sharing your work and lighting a path for others to follow!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Erica Hargreave

      Always lovely to meet a fellow storyteller, Nicole. Although this is likely my last group MET course, I’ll still be around. You should join the current MET students and Alumni that take part in Julia’s cafe or the Encounters in EdTech collective that we started this past summer.

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  3. Sarah Ng

    WOWW! So cool! I’ll definitely check out your podcast! Few of my friends recently started doing podcast series too. It is definitely a great way to share stories and perspectives.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Erica Hargreave

      Thanks Sarah. I am playing with two podcasts at present: Encounters in EdTech and Culture Travels, and may be starting a third for MozFest. If you are interested in participating, Encounters in EdTech is a collective podcast, involving a few MET alumni. You are most welcome to join the strategizing and creating.

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  4. Sam Charles (He/Him/His)

    Super cool Erica! Looking forward to learning and working with you in this course.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Erica Hargreave

      Thanks Sam. I look forward to working and learning with you too.

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  5. miguel rojas ortega

    Wow! Wow wow wow! WOW! You’re an incredible person! Look at all your accomplishments, I am so happy you exist in this world. You clearly bring so much wisdom and joy into peoples lives as an educator, mentor and story teller. I wouldn’t hesitate to join any seminar, lecture, or course you would guide. Your Ted talk was outstanding and your motivational video inspiring. I truly hope this course gives you even more to absorb, so you can transform it into something amazingly nerdy!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Erica Hargreave

      Oh wow! How very kind of you, Miguel. Have had a rough few months, so cannot tell you enough what a wonderful impact your kind words have on me. Thank you.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    2. Olivia Tarasewicz

      I totally agree with Miguel. Erica, you are amazingly prolific and fun! What an amazing combo! Really looking forward to working with you this semester. Your humorous and playful approach to work is refreshing! 🙂

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Erica Hargreave

        Thanks Olivia. I do have fun, and feel fortunate to work and create with people that both encourage that and allow me to feel safe in doing so.

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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