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The impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on Education:

While going through the posts and resources under the Knowledge Mill, I found some valuable information with regard to Augmented Reality (AR). However, one (1) question remained unanswered, which is, what is the impact of utilizing Augmented Reality in education? Before proceeding to answer this question, lets define the AR first. Godoy (2020) defines AR […]

hello ETEC 523

hello ETEC 523

PHOTO Helloto all members of ETEC 523. I am a bit late in starting but so looking forward to this course talking with all of you. As my media skills are not great, I hope I can rely on your patience and, help when needed. please. .WHY this course My healthcare background as Nurse Clinician […]

Greetings from the WITA (UTC+08:00)

Greetings from the WITA (UTC+08:00)

Hi Everyone, My name is Chris Howey (originally from North Vancouver) and I am looking forward to interacting and learning from all of you during this ETEC 523 journey.  I am currently living and working in Bali, Indonesia as an MYP Individuals & societies and English Language and literature teacher. Presently I am teaching grades […]