2 responses to “What is your infection prevention IQ?”

  1. Nicole Kenny

    Thanks, Anna! There are several interactive games I have done with children when I have been able to volunteer at my son’s school. It would be interesting to figure out how to gamify those for an interactive program.

    I agree with the text-heavy aspect. That is definitely an area I would improve in the future.


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  2. Anna Ayoung-Stoute

    Great post!
    About all ages, this is appealing to adults. I thought the “did you know” buttons were engaging; however, the modules are text-heavy, but I think that is unavoidable due to the content. The quizzes at the end are ideal for summarizing the information. If the target audience were younger, they would lose interest since the modules were not designed to make learning fun. I enjoyed the content, but I cannot see someone in high school, particularly lower grades sitting through the modules.
    Corporations play a significant role in reducing misinformation, especially in the tech industry. For example, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram monitor COVID misinformation and provide information on their platforms. Though these platforms have tremendous difficulty in tracking the misinformation and at times may be reluctant to step into the political heat, they still have a responsibility to minimize misinformation or fake news [Social media firms catching more misinformation, but critics say ‘they could be doing more’]: https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/social-media-platforms-pandemic-moderation-1.5536594

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