4 responses to “Microlearning in Education”

  1. rika vuong-lam

    I recently read Tapscott’s (2009) article about Net-Generation where young citizens are multitaskers who can play a game, watch a movie and yet search for the answer to a question they suddenly come across from the video. This is much like the micro learning that was mentioned in your post and video. Alike what you mentioned and Tapscott’s (2009) ideas, microlearning is specific to the certain time and age we live in.
    Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World. New York: McGraw-Hill

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  2. grace reid

    Thanks for sharing, Kendall! I see great potential for education and practise. I see opportunities for how one might bring this into learning spaces, whether being consumed or created. I think this would be a great avenue for students exploring Challenge Based Learning (CBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL) or inquiry.

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  3. benjamin coulombe

    This is very interesting, Kendall!

    I feel like this is becoming the norm for self-guided learning. Most of us are too busy now for long lectures and lessons and instead are just looking to get the essential information quickly before moving on to the next objective in our lives. I was recently looking at a position that was seeking a professional writer to summarize non-fiction texts into 15 pages or less with their justification being that people simply do not have time in their everyday lives to pour through a 500 page textbook. It was the first position like this I have come across but I feel like this will start becoming more and more common.

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    1. Kendall

      Hi Benjamin,
      I agree with you here; I know I feel the same way as well. Just tell me what I need to know!
      I also think about the short podcasts and videos and infographics I’ve used and how much I actually enjoy them because I can fit them into little pockets of time here and there instead of dreading to sit down to read the 30+ page chapters and articles. It’s certainly more motivating as a learner to know that I can have these moments of learning that almost feel more like entertainment than education!

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