A3: Classroom 4.0+
Please click on the ‘view more’ button below to find out more about Classroom 4.0+!
A3: ACCESS.EDU – An accessibility app for higher ed
Instructors have always worked with plurality in the classroom. I currently work in a university as an accessibility adviser to students with diverse abilities (also referred to as disabilities) that experience barriers to learning. In this role I meet with students, creating space for them to have conversations about their learning experiences including barriers in […]
Assignment #3 Forecast Project on Mobile Neuroimaging Technologies
In my workplace, I encounter students with learning difficulties, mental issues, and even a few cases in brain disorders. Hence, I’ve dedicated my assignment #3 in examining the potential of what could mobile neuroimaging technologies bring to learners with special needs. My choice of this topic is generated from educational neuroscience. Today, neuroimaging technologies like […]
A3: Forecasting Project: Digital Human Twins
wanted volunteers to twin digitally Curious to learn more? I provide the enabling sensors and actuators to capture and integrate the data of your physical assets within your digital asset. Rest assured, I will authenticate, monitor, and manage your twin’s life cycle with my class.
A3: Forecasting Project – Implant Technology: Emotional Support and Encouragement for Students
I have had a great time creating this hypothetical technology. It is a piece of technology that I believe would have greatly benefited my efforts in high school. Additionally, I could see this device helping a range of students, teachers, and parents. Click on the link to view my Google Site – a mobile friendly […]
(A3) MP2072: A Music Production Forecast
Hi class, You’re welcome to visit my website presentation for A3, which explores how mobile technologies will transform music production in the future under a concept titled MP2072. MP2072 is a vision of how music producers will work by 50 years from now (year 2072) using an interface named The Immersive Music Production Platform (IMPP), which […]
A3: The Future of Holograms in Education
Link to OER: https://sites.google.com/view/etec523a3holograms/home We’ve all seen science fiction movies or media where a realistic projection appears and starts communicating with other people. On paper this seems like a really novel idea as surprisingly enough, holographic technology has actually existed since the 1940’s. With rapid modern advancements in Mobile Technology and our smartphones, wouldn’t it […]
A3: Eye-Tracking Integration
Hello everyone, My A3 project is focused on a hypothetical program named inSight that utilizes software/hardware advancements in mobile devices to integrate eye tracking software into mobile devices. inSight would then provide learners and educators with a variety of data to help influence educational practice, user experience design, and quantify intangible data. Please explore my […]
A3- My Class My Way App
Teachers: Are you overwhelmed by the ever-growing amount of innovative ed tech options? Are you tired of spending copious amounts of time searching for innovative resources online, knowing that there are other teachers searching and creating similar instructional materials as you? Are you ready to participate in a collaborative mobile “sharing economy” (Vogt, 2022)? Students: […]
A3: Minima App
Hello everyone, We all recognize the support teachers need, especially after the pandemic. With increasing demands on teachers, such as the need to keep up with rapid changes brought about by technology disruption, adoption of learner-centric methods, and differentiated learning approaches needed to develop 21st-century student competencies. I combined micro-learning, social learning, and machine learning […]