It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you all a little bit better through your introductions. I was born and raised in Switzerland, but spent a few years in Kingston, Ontario getting my undergraduate degree at Queen’s University. After getting my teaching qualifications in Switzerland, I then worked in Paris as an English teacher for a few years. I am now back in Switzerland once again, getting ready to start working in early primary come September.
At the moment, I am taking my 8th and 9th courses – 523 as well as 532. I feel like I’m echoing what is so often said in these introductions by stating that I have learned so much from each course I’ve taken in the MET programme, and I am so intrigued to see what I will take away from 523 and this cohort.
I am currently typing this introduction quite late on in the week and on my laptop as I was stuck until recently on a trip. After having caught up with the course layout, I am committed to using solely my phone to read and access our coursework. I have an iPad, but I feel like I am least comfortable with using my phone as a means to complete course work. Which is funny, considering how much more time I spend on my phone than anything else. I think I have a real phone=personal and laptop=work mindset that I want to challenge this semester.
I am very interested in educational technology, but when I’m not working you can find me outside somewhere.