One response to “Anonymity & Mobile Culture”

  1. Devon Bobowski

    I think that the internet has splintered people beyond an online/offline duality into as many versions of ourselves that we want to create. And this is not completely unique to internet culture: as a teacher, I have a persona used for leading a class, a different one when interacting with coworkers, another for dealing with parents…

    One of the most bizarre combinations of reality and fiction I’ve observed online is probably LinkedIn. Ostensibly a site for work related networking, it usually has a more professional tone. But when employers (current or future) are potentially observing, a lot of people start adopting a tone that sounds like a non-stop job interview. It’s no longer about who I am or who I want to be, but who I want others to think I am (so they give me opportunities). So what should in theory be the most transparently honest platform becomes the most artificial.

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