Know More About MoBI

“Mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI) is an integrative multimethod approach used to investigate human brain activity, motor behaviour, and other physiological data associated with cognitive processes that involve active behaviour” (Jungnickel et al., 2019, p.59). 

The most significant advantage of MoBI is moving lab environments toward more naturalistic ones. The experiments can be done by getting people to do what they normally do without losing critical experimental control. Check this website:

Compared to traditional machines, which need a lot of money to purchase and maintain, digitalized brain imaging devices are wireless, can be connected to a tablet and can be used very easily. As a result of this revolution, the price of brain imaging has had a hundredfold price reduction in recent years. Now, even cheaper alternatives exist for more customers to enter to use this type of technology. Check this video for a more detailed analysis: 


Jungnickel, E., Gehrke, L., Klug, M., & Gramann, K. (2019). MoBI—Mobile Brain/Body Imaging. Neuroergonomics, 59–63.

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