Cybersecurity – How much your phone knows about you?

I believe most of you have worried at least once that your personal data has been collected by your phone. Yet, not many people know precisely or care much about what information their phones have about them. For example, have you ever noticed the ads appearing in different apps changing after you mentioned something in conversations? We can be confident that our phones always listen to us via the microphones to hear and execute our voice commands. Some tech companies admit that they randomly choose and analyze users’ data to help improve their quality of services. However, does that mean we are trading our privacy for convenience?

Check this website to know more about your phone:

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2 responses to “Cybersecurity – How much your phone knows about you?”

  1. Daniel Edwards

    This is all very surprising. I remember a while back, I was traveling and driving around to different places, and after a week, I got a message from Google Maps telling me about all these other stores or restaurants I should check out where I was. This article and what you mentioned show how much tracking our phones do, and it makes one wonder how much further that tracking could go, whether to advertisers, to local police if one was speeding, or to other nefarious people that could hack the information and find out one’s bank account. It is a concerning thing, and it is good to have more knowledge of it from your post.

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  2. mstr

    Wow! Your phone calculates how fast you are travelling. I guess I knew this when I get in my car and it says 22 minutes to work, but I never gave it much thought. Perhaps it’s just a matter of time before our devices inform police services and we get a speeding without being pulled over or “caught on camera.” Of course there are many convenient applications as well, such as tracking running speed etc.

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