Digital Dependence: Are you a nomophobe?

The constant connectivity and access to information provided by smartphones have led to a culture of constant availability and immediacy, where people feel the need to be constantly connected to the internet and their social networks. Nomophobia and Phonophobia are terms used to describe the fear of being without your mobile phone or the fear of being unable to use your mobile phone. It is also known as “no mobile phone phobia” and “mobile phone phobia.” It is a psychological condition that affects people who strongly depend on their mobile phones and feel anxious or panicked when they cannot access it or when it is out of their reach. It can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, sweating, and an increased heart rate when the person is unable to access their phone. It may also lead to excessive phone checking, constant phone use, and feelings of panic when the phone battery is low or when in an area with poor signal reception. “Phantom buzzing,” is when a person is convinced that they feel or hear their phone vibrate even though it is not actually doing so.

Is your phone use “healthy”? How long could you go without your phone? (If you weren’t taken a mobile and open MET course!)

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2 responses to “Digital Dependence: Are you a nomophobe?”

  1. louisa green

    Nomophobia is a really interesting concept, and one that I often thought of as an addiction but as the name implies and is mentioned in the video, it is not an addiction but in fact a phobia, or rather something that causes fear and anxiety. It is a relatively new kind of phobia but I wonder if there’s anything from our not so technological advanced past that we could compare this kind of fear to? Does anyone have any ideas? Furthermore, does my 2 year old have nomophobia or is this a real addiction!? My phone or tablet is the first thing she asks for each morning and I am shocked and terrified somehow that such a strong emotion could be connected to an electronic device at such an early age.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. mstr

      Hi Louisa, yes it is scary to see kids so young asking for a mobile phone. My son asked for an iPhone 13 for his birthday (he did not get one)! Perhaps it’s more harmless for kids as young as two, and just a connection similar to another toy? Maybe this phobia could be likened to what people used to feel like when they left their wallet at home, or their day planner?

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