UDEMY- Online courses- Learn anything anywhere

A perfect online platform to learn something new or share what you already know. It serves as a global hub for online learning and strives to bring people together via information.

Eren Bali, the creator of Udemy, had few educational options as a child growing up in a small Turkish village, until he acquired a computer. He used the internet to learn his way to a silver medal in the International Math Olympiad, fueling his desire to compete in mathematics.

UDEMY supports chances for everyone to continue learning throughout their lives by offering inclusive, egalitarian, high-quality training. Nearly 11 billion minutes of high-quality, easily accessible learning were consumed by our 46 million learners on the UDEMY platform in 2020.

UDEMY can be accessed through android app, IOS app and mobile course player.



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One response to “UDEMY- Online courses- Learn anything anywhere”

  1. anna rzhevska

    Lovely post, thank you, Ritu! I am glad to meet another expert in OER. I haven’t used UDEMY yet, but I have learned a lot about MOOC during this course. In my opinion, UDEMY course will be more socially oriented than Duolingo, no? Great for extroverts? Anyway, I look forward to seeing you in our A2 discussion for these details, Ritu! Best, Anna

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