Week 5 (Feb. 6th – Feb. 12th, 2023): Mobile Collaboration

Welcome to Week 5 of Movable Feast! 

Please enjoy our OER (Open Educational Resource) on Mobile Collaboration by your colleagues, Robyn Oliver and Vithu Selvakumar. 

We focused on synchronous and asynchronous Mobile Collaboration, their benefits and challenges, how to enhance student participation via mobile collaboration, and a list of available mobile collaborative platforms. 

Please use the following link to access our Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/mobilecollaboration/home?authuser=0

As you explore our site, please complete the following activities: 

Task #1 – Read about Asynchronous and Synchronous Mobile Collaboration

Task #2 – Use the provided rubric to assess an application of your choice – please choose one that another student has not already done – this may be more difficult if you are late to the learning this week!

Task #3 – Post about your chosen mobile app in the appropriate discussion forum (async. or sync.)

Task #4 – Read through some of your peer’s posts and comment as you see fit.

( Average Rating: 4 )

5 responses to “Week 5 (Feb. 6th – Feb. 12th, 2023): Mobile Collaboration”

  1. mstr

    Well done Vithu and Robyn! Thanks for boldly taking on the first OER! I appreciate how you introduced semi-synchronous mobile collaboration. This is something I have not really thought about however, I can see the value in having programs that offer both synchronous and asynchronous options. Tools such as Slack, Teams, and Google Drive can provide real-time collaboration, but also allow users to access and update information asynchronously – having the option to be both seems like the best option, since it may eliminate the need to have multiple tools instead of one. Do we need to create an account to comment on Ziflow?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. VithuSelvakumar

      Hi! Thank you for your feedback, and yes for Ziflow you would need to create an account to make comments.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. anna rzhevska

    Thank you for your efforts, Vithu and Robyn! I appreciated the brief and informative theory and the opportunity of sharing my ideas on Padlet too. Excellent work, our group project trailblazers! You are setting a great example! Best regards, Anna

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. SafaaAbuSaa

    Hi Robyn and Vithu
    Thank you for your OER. I enjoyed learning about LXPs and doing all the activities you set. Thank you for using different apps for the discussions. It kept me engaged and introduced me to some new apps I could utilize. I loved the idea of using a rubric to evaluate different collaboration tools. With a plethora of them available, it is helpful to see how they are rated across multiple categories.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Robyn Oliver

      Thank you for appreciating our rubric! We hope you can adapt and reuse it in the future…

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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