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A3: The Future of Apprenticeships

A3: The Future of Apprenticeships

I have forecasted the future of apprenticeships, with a focus on the following aspects: Please view my assignment by clicking on the link below: The Future of Apprenticeships

A3: The Technological Future of K-12 Education

A3: The Technological Future of K-12 Education

In this video, I imagine the future of K-12 Education to be an integrated combination of AI-powered tutors, MOOC’s and Game Based Learning leveraging mobile devices both inside and outside of traditional classrooms. Schools become reorganized by common interests instead of age alone, resulting in diverse multi-grade communities building on the automated, technological foundations. As […]



A3 FORECASTING PROJECT THE FUTURE OF CLASSROOMS- 3D Virtual Classrooms How will the Future Classrooms look like?Welcome to the classroom of the future that I envisioned. Teaching and learning, in which individuals gain knowledge through seeing their parents, teachers, friends, and mentors, is one of the oldest professions in the world. During formal sessions, teachers […]

A3: Conv AR

A3: Conv AR

Please view my A3 below.

A2: Week 12 Siri and Her Siblings

A2: Week 12 Siri and Her Siblings

Hosted by Jamie Mayo Welcome to our last week of the Moveable Feast! This topic was a lot of fun to research and explore. I hope that you’ll find the information enclosed pertinent and useful for your own educational endeavours. I decided to focus on the most popular current smart assistants (Siri, Alexa and Google […]

A3 Forecasting Project: MoBI in Future Education Research

A3 Forecasting Project: MoBI in Future Education Research

Psychology is intimately related to education in many ways: psychology is the study of human behaviour, and education is the procedure of changing human behaviour. Designing more efficient and valuable educational practices presupposes fundamental research. In this information age, mobile technologies, which evolved extremely fast, enable humans to achieve more and more previously unprocurable ideas. […]

A3: Forecasting Project – Technology Driven Foundational Learning

I tried to create just an audio production about what I think is coming down the pipe, however, the blog site didn’t want to upload my audio file. Instead, I have embedded a YouTube clip with an associated image gallery. It is NOT necessary to watch the video, as the audio is the important part. […]

Welcome to my A3 Forecasting Project on LearnGO

Welcome to my A3 Forecasting Project on LearnGO

The inspiration for this idea stemmed from the goals I set for myself and my new group of students this semester. Prior to covid, and being a program-based school, we had the luxury of going on outings and field trips easily and often. However, obviously, that came to an abrupt halt for a few years. […]

Week 11 A2: Mobile Games

Week 11 A2: Mobile Games

Welcome everyone to our OER on mobile games. Please visit our site and make your way through the contents and activities. (The Genially games are optional and just for fun ????). Don’t hesitate to post your thoughts and reflections on our Dotstorming wall which you can access on the Reflection Zone page. Also, please don’t […]

Week 10: A2 – Experience Design

Week 10: A2 – Experience Design

Movable Feast – Week 10 Experience Design. By Catriona Imray and Victoria Glover Looking at the Frontiers Poll that we completed in the first week of classes, I remember looking at the one entitled “Experience Design” and thinking “Gosh, I hope I don’t get assigned that one for the movable feast. I don’t really understand […]