A3 Forecasting Project: MoBI in Future Education Research

Psychology is intimately related to education in many ways: psychology is the study of human behaviour, and education is the procedure of changing human behaviour.

Designing more efficient and valuable educational practices presupposes fundamental research.

In this information age, mobile technologies, which evolved extremely fast, enable humans to achieve more and more previously unprocurable ideas.

With MoBI, more educational experiments in real-world environments can be conducted, thus, improving our understanding of the brain and learning and hopefully aiding the development of educational practices shortly.

Please click here to explore the website: https://sites.google.com/view/bingyingwang-iris-etec523a3/home-page?authuser=0

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2 responses to “A3 Forecasting Project: MoBI in Future Education Research”

  1. Douglas Millie

    While reading a bit of neuroscience research methods, I came across some potentially disturbing uses for the widespread use of mobile EEG technology: the monitoring of students brainwaves to ensure concentration. While I think that these types of technology could be great for researching how the brain works and learns best, and that the mobile nature allows for its use in very natural environments, I am deeply concerned about how students could be punished or excluded from activities if they “lose concentration” at an inappropriate time.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. cimray

    Hi Iris,

    What a great presentation Iris. I like that you have included the medical uses and tied them to the educational uses. I am personally looking at these MoBI, as my husband needs a sleep apnea test, which will be using a pinky monitor that he can wear at home, rather than needing to go into a clinic and sleep in there with all the gadgetry; and my son needs to have an EEG, and a mobile one that could gather the information and send them to be interpreted would really alleviate the wait times here in the north.

    The educational implications are pretty vast, and I can see how things will be going in the future. Being able to actually gauge student engagement in real time would be amazing. I love the eye tracking software, and its possible implications particularly when mixed with AI to help early learning (more info on my A3).

    Thank you for your work!

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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