Hello ETEC 523 Peers!
My name is Sarah Mutch and I am a substitute teacher in Prince Edward Island. I have worked as a substitute teacher for the last five years, and prior to that, I worked at a BC offshore high school in China for two years. I have a BA in English and History, a BEd, and a Teacher-Librarian Diploma. This is currently my 8th MET course. I am taking one other course at this time.
I love exploring new apps, testing their limits, and thinking about how to use them in a classroom setting. Though one of my biggest concerns related to mobile technology is access, not only economically, but also in terms of infrastructure. I am hoping to learn about ways to bring mobile and education technology into my classroom in an equitable manner that supports inquiry learning. I am especially interested in mobile technologies-related reading.
When I’m not teaching, or geeking out over technology, I enjoy playing video games, doing karate, painting shoes (yes, you read that right), and have recently gotten into cross-stitch. Well, that is if I don’t have my nose buried in a book.
P.S. If you recognize the spaceship in my featured image, we will be great friends/allies.

Hi Sarah,
It’s nice to see a follow 544 coursemember and browncoat here.
Hi Sarah, omgsh show us some pictures of your painted shoes, I bet they look nice! It is nice to e-meet you, looking forward to learning with you this term!
Hi Sarah,
i see we are both taking this class as well as ETEC 541 this semester, should be an interesting and busy couple months. I am interested to see how we can build connections from both classes into our careers and real life.
Hi Meagan,
Yes, I also think we will be able to draw some interesting connections.
Hi Sarah,
What video games are you into? Not sure if you had a chance to read my “Hello” yet, but I’m currently playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!
Hi Joti,
I actually can’t find your introduction post, and I’m not sure why as I just went through all of the recent posts in the course, sorry. I mostly play PC games because I don’t own a console (though I may consider buying myself one as a form of celebration when I finish the MET program). I prefer puzzle, or narrative based games, as I’m not good at games that require any type of reaction time. I have also played, and loved Hogwarts Legacy. A friend has also recommended Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. My favourite games are probably the Portal Games. I’m looking forward to learning with you this semester.