Innovative Health Apps

As technology. continues to pave the way in modernizing our life it is not a surprise to see new innovative health apps being created. It is also not a surprise that there are so many available on mobile devices. It is estimated that there are over 6 billion mobile phones in the world and over 60% of people have a phone. With this readily available tool for health apps we are staring to see phones being used in tracking and pathogens in patients bodies. A lens attachment has been created to track malaria and cancerous cells through the blood stream. Using these inexpensive addons the patients phone has the ability to track pathogens in the blood, allowing diseases to be diagnosed within hours or even minutes. This data can be gathered and stored an made available to the patient as well as doctors. This combined with the other health tracking apps in existence such as blood pressure and heart rate sensors could continue to innovate and elevate medical care

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