6 responses to “A3:AI Translation in the World of ESL”

  1. Katie


    I appreciated your personal connection to your idea and your concise explanation of how AI could assist with english language learning. Additionally, I liked how you broke down 4 main problems which could arise when utilizing AI for learning english. I think it’s clear you have researched your topic well, however I think if you were to link it to some existing apps or some further research it could provide more context.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. mpaliy

    The presentation provided a good overview of how AI could assist with ESL activities during live discussions, tutoring or other activities. Educational chatbots have indeed attracted significant attention in the field of foreign language learning as being one of the most effective educational aids. Moreover, presentation mentioned some of the important challenges that need to be addressed when implementing AI.

    It could be helpful to expand the Integrity section a bit more. For example, in addition to students who may not use AI tools ethically, what are some of the risks that the users might be exposed to? Chatbots provide information based on data that was input. How can educators ensure that chatbots do not exploit vulnerable groups and reinforce biases?

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. john hamblett

    Hi Daniel,
    Thanks for sharing this presentation! I used a Genially as well for my A3, but I appreciate that your Genially was more engaging by creating a video to go along with it. The background music was really catchy too! I saw a few comments mention that at times the background music was too loud. For reference, the background music should be at least 20 decibels softer than the main audio. Software like Garageband, iMovie, or the app Decibel Pro should help with this. Also, I would have also found it useful if you would have shared the link with us to the Genially as a reference to go back to.

    I found this video well researched, concise, and informative. The drawbacks and potential uses were clearly outlined. With all that being said, I appreciate that it still fit within the scope and length guidelines of the assignment too.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Debbie Chen

    Hi Daniel,
    Your presentation on AI translation in ESL classrooms is insightful, emphasizing the potential benefits of real-time translation. Your clear voice and well-structured content contribute to its effectiveness.
    Highlighting the advantages, such as access, flexibility, personalized learning, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, adds depth to your exploration. It’s interesting to consider the possible enhancements or innovations your presentation suggests, especially the integration of instant correction features, which could elevate existing AI technologies in language learning.
    However, it’s crucial to acknowledge concerns raised by the comments. The background music, though distracting, can be adjusted for better focus on the content.
    The live discussion feature, as pointed out by Bianca, has promising applications, especially in real-time error correction. Yet, the challenge of maintaining a personal connection and avoiding overdependence on technology should be addressed, as mentioned by Sebastian.
    In conclusion, your presentation offers valuable insights into AI’s potential in ESL classrooms. Addressing the highlighted concerns and exploring ways to integrate instant correction features will enhance the overall viewer experience.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. Bianca Therese Joson

    Hi Daniel,
    You provided a clear presentation regarding AI use in the ESL classroom. I liked how you only highlighted 4 key points where AI could be used and 4 key points about the problems of its application.

    I used to be an ESL teacher and I think AI could work as an assistant to help with class delivery. The live discussion aspect captured my attention as I used to teach a speaking and error correction class. The class basically is very student centred and as the teacher, I listen to student conversations, mark down errors they make (usually grammar or pronunciation), and we analyze and correct these mistakes at the end of class. There’s only one of me and I could not possibly catch every mistake that the student makes as I have to visit and monitor other groups. The live discussion part of AI could help collecting these mistakes in real time and the students can analyze these mistakes in their small groups. Talking about the errors they just made in the conversation is good because they can remember what they said. Students sometimes question me if I heard them correctly or if they made that particular mistake.

    Some students are also not as comfortable with a teacher constantly hovering behind their back. Some students also are not as comfortable having their mistakes broadcasted to their group mates. This piece of technology could help students get used to the idea of error correction.
    I agree with Sebastian with the possibility of a lack of personal connection. Most students who come to a language school want that face-to-face experience. I really think that AI can help with beginner students who are self-learning a language. Some may not have access to a conversation partner, and this is a good way to practice their speaking.

    ( 4 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  6. Sebastian Seo

    Very good video Daniel. Your voice is very crisp and clear. I found that sometimes the background music distracted me from following along with your voice and content on the screen; however, turning on the subtitle feature helped.

    I really like the AI translation concept and the four features you highlight: live discussion, assistant, tutor and activity.

    Some key benefits of using AI translation for ESL learners can be access, flexibility, personalized learning, convenience, instant feedback, cost (I’m assuming an AI robot would be much cheaper then a human being in providing discussion, assistance and tutoring).

    Some drawbacks of using an AI robot can include dependence on technology (missing out on different aspects of talking to humans), inability to understand students and therefore respond inappropriately, overemphasis of cookie cutter solutions, and lack of personal connection. I know several ESL teachers that have built long lasting friendships with their students they met in the classroom.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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