A3 – An AI Assistant

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4 responses to “A3 – An AI Assistant”

  1. Spencer Jones

    Hi Elvio, thanks for providing insight into your topic and idea in this project. You have presented a very effective use for AI to be integrated in education. As a Tech Ed teacher, having AI assistants would be instrumental when instructing on safety and proper handling of equipment. This would be especially valuable for English Language Learners (ELL) for language development, and ability to probe further in areas that need further clarity. Podcasts are an effective tool in furthering understanding on a topic; however, at time, the audio was slightly distracting to the listener. As someone who has experimented with podcasting, with limited recording gear, I found that Airpods, or any other wireless headphones, present excellent sound quality. Another option would be to use an AI integrated text-to-speech software. It was greatly appreciated to see you integrating AI into the classroom as an effective learning tool, rather than villainizing its use in its entirety, which is a common occurrence in many educational spaces. AI has quickly become a controversial topic within the realm of education, specifically as a deterrent to student learning. However, I have adopted a more positive approach to AI integration in my own classrooms, such as my class for Career Life Education, in which I integrate how programs like ChatGPT can be an effective tool, specific to various activities.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Katie

    What a great, practical use of AI for educators. I know many teachers who would quickly pass off (and do) their organization responsibilities, so having an AI assistant that could replace this need would be fantastic. I think the real world applications you have mentioned in this podcast are notable, with time being of the essence in education, and efficiency being a major focus. Unfortunately I agree with my peers about your audio quality, but I appreciate you extending yourself and doing something outside of typical written parameters. If you are in British Columbia, many public libraries have sound booths with free high quality recording equipment which you can utilize as well.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. john hamblett

    Hi Elvio,
    Thanks for this presentation. It’s a project idea that could universally help all teachers. The AI assistant podcast was concise yet comprehensive. I appreciate that it didn’t extend far past the guidelines of the assignment in terms of length or scope. Even though it was concise, there were still a number of examples of potential use. Drawbacks (particularly privacy) were clearly outlined as well. As Debbie has already outlined, your vision of an AI assistant is one of the few examples where the AI is aiding, not replacing, teachers. An interesting result of this technology could be improved behaviour and classroom management as well. If students are reminded of what the task is, they can continually be redirected back to their work. This is often a job classroom teachers have to do!

    I appreciate that you took a risk and recorded a podcast instead of using other formats that have been frequently used throughout the course. Recording clear audio without having expensive recording equipment is no easy feat, but I have a couple quick suggestions. I noticed that there was quite a bit of ambient noise in the recording. This might be from using a microphone attached to headphones. The microphone will pick up any rustling or movement and interfere with the sound quality. Any time you’re recording (even if it’s from a mobile phone), try to have it in a stationary spot and limit any background noise interference (rolling chair, fidgeting hands, microphone rubbing against your shirt, etc.) Reducing audio cuts of mistakes could help it flow too! I only know because I’ve made many, many mistakes trying to record clear audio.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Debbie Chen

    Hi Elvio,
    I appreciate your effort in creating a presentation on AI assistants, despite the challenging audio quality. Your insights into the role of AI assistants are valuable. However, due to the recording quality, it was a bit difficult to fully grasp the nuances of your message. Improving the audio could enhance the overall experience and make your ideas more accessible to the audience.
    In summary, you envision a personal AI assistant that serves as a teacher’s aide, streamlining tasks like sorting, marking, and flagging assignments. This AI assistant aims to provide individualized assistance to students, addressing the challenges of managing a large class while not overwhelming teachers.
    From my understanding of your presentation, I would like to use a metaphor to illustrate the concept. Your idea of a personal AI assistant acting as an organized aide is akin to having a “clean lady” for our digital workspace. Much like a clean lady tidies and organizes tools, your AI assistant streamlines data, marking assignments, and providing individualized assistance. It’s not a replacement for teachers but a helpful companion, ensuring a well-managed and efficient learning environment.
    The idea of an AI assistant focusing on organization rather than replacing teachers is crucial. It aligns with the notion that AI should complement and support educators, not substitute for them. Your emphasis on addressing issues like organization and time management for students is noteworthy, reflecting an understanding of the challenges faced in the educational landscape.
    Your vision of a future where AI assistants support teachers rather than replace them aligns well with the idea that these tools won’t lead to dependency or addiction. This perspective is crucial in fostering a balanced relationship between technology and education.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your vision for the future of AI assistants in education.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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