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Welcome to 523

Welcome to 523

The video above is the one I recorded at the launch of this course (all new MET courses have a 565 designation – this was originally called ETEC656M until it was regularized as ETEC523). The core message remains true, so I haven’t redone it. All contributors are expected to observe copyright laws, and it is […]

ETEC523 Week 1 Orientation

ETEC523 Week 1 Orientation

If you’re reading this you’ve found the UBC MET ETEC523 WordPress blog. Bravo! If you see “Howdy” followed by your name on the upper right WordPress menu bar, bravo again, you’re also now successfully registered in the blog. Welcome aboard! If you don’t see “Howdy”, go to UBC Blogs to “Login” to CWL and find […]

A Special Focus on AI

A Special Focus on AI

I wanted to offer a few words about the special focus on Artificial Intelligence I intend for this section of ETEC523. There’s a huge AI buzz on.  Deservedly so, IMHO.  I’m old enough to remember what the world was like before social media, before mobile phones, before computers and before TV.  AI is barely nascent […]

Hello, I’m your Instructor – David Vogt

Hello, I’m your Instructor – David Vogt

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming together – in a virtuous virtual sense – during this transformative time for humanity, to explore the broadly transformative potentials for human society, culture and education available within mobile and open learning technologies. Following is my original Author video for this course (it was raining that day for the video, […]

Mobile Collaboration

Mobile Collaboration

Discussion:  Many beneficial elements of face-to-face collaboration may never be replaced by any technology, but the pressing need to convene distributed teams, cohorts and individuals to collectively explore ideas and resolve complex challenges has inspired the development of scores of networked collaboration technologies.  At first glance it might seem infeasible to collapse such systems into a handheld […]

DIY Learning

DIY Learning

Discussion:   The DIY (Do It Yourself) and Maker movements are being supported by the wealth of practical knowledge and sharing spaces blooming everywhere on the web, inspiring a Renaissance 2.0 of creativity.  DIY Learning is a distinctively crowd-sourced and mobile phenomenon that encourages everyone to believe they can learn to do anything at a competent level if they just connect […]

Mobile Games

Mobile Games

Discussion:  A  new generation of learners has difficulty sitting still in a classroom listening to a teacher lecture, and do not have the patience to read a novel, yet they can sit and play a video game for hours. Through mobile games they can memorize move combinations, navigate maps with ease, and create complex worlds. 523 Inspiration: With the concept of mobile games in […]

Big Data

Big Data

Discussion:  “Big data” includes large, complex, diverse, and unstructured collections of data sets that cannot be easily parsed with common tools. These massive data sets are gathered by a range of technologies, including mobile devices. As data sets grow in size, so too must our ability and capacity to capture, store, analyze, search, visualize, and […]

5G Networks

5G Networks

Discussion:  So, you think you know what mobile feels like?  Think again.  Next generation 5G wireless network potentials are underway. Some things to expect: 523 Inspiration:  So, what happens to learning and teaching?  It is, and increasingly will be, in your hands…



Discussion:   Somewhat like the return of vinyl records, the recent resurgence of the Podcast medium, initially on the back of some hyper-popular journalistic properties, might have been unexpected. Podcasts demonstrate the enduring power of sound, the spoken word, and narrative, above and beyond the engagement possible with visual media. It is probably safe to say that the […]