Discussion: Augmented Reality (AR) is about layering virtual media over real world experiences, on the fly, to provide additional context, narrative & interaction potential.
523 Inspiration: AR enables any environment to be interwoven with innumerable rich learning opportunities designed for specific audiences. The magic is in the ability to engage responsively with aspects of a learner’s objective and personal contexts to stage authentic, meaningful, and participatory learning experiences.
N.B. – AR, together with VR (Virtual Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality), are the somewhat overlapping realms of media-enhanced experience now generally referred to collectively as “Immersive Reality”. For the purpose of this course, the focus on AR is simply that it can be considered more obviously as a mobile technology (as opposed to VR, for example, which doesn’t usually involve any engagement with the real world). However, within this course you are welcome to pursue your interest in any of these technologies so long as you make it very clear, in a critical sense, what the connection with mobile and/or open learning is.
The potential of augmented reality is really interesting, as are the ways in which it is already being applied. The excitement surrounding AR glasses has been illustrated in the social media posts depicting users, often with humorous or incredulous commentary. However the potential for training, education, and recreation will mean that AR will continue to develop its presence. The mobility piece will be an interesting study for those who are interested.