& External Links?

Has anyone else (who has posted a on UBC Blogs) noticed that some of the external links do not work?

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2 responses to “ & External Links?”

  1. Kirsten

    Thanks for your quick response, Jeannine. I also spent last eve and the wee morn discovering device compatibility is an issue for full functionality.

    @DavidVogt, for assessment purposes, how can we be sure our digital artifacts are being revealed to you in their full glory? Or do glitches get stitches? In other words, will we be docked points for inability of affordances to materialize?

    Looking forward to your response when you get a chance.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. jeannine younger

    Yes! None of my embedded items have been working but I am hoping my links to external sites have been.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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