A1s Returned

Just a note that you all should have your A1 evaluation back now. Please let me know if you haven’t got yours yet, or if you have any questions or concerns.

I love this first assignment because it introduces me to such a broad range of your professional interests, experience and curiosity as it applies to emergent mobile and open learning.  See for yourself – if you have time to review some or all of them – there’s some amazing research and original thought to discover.

If there’s a single encouragement I can offer arising from A1, it is to think more deeply and critically about the core concepts of our course: what are the special affordances and possibilities of mobile/open learning; what does it mean to be exemplary of mobile/open learning; and where is the dynamic emergence of mobile culture and technologies taking us in terms of learning experience?

Some of you may want to continue your A1 topic into an A3 topic, but please consult with me if you do, just to be sure that the work is complementary and on target.  I’m guessing most of you already have some idea of where you’d like to go with A3 – please also consult if you have questions.

Finally, again pertinent to A3, if you like someone’s work and you’d like to team with them to produce your A3, I’ll welcome proposals along that line.

