A3 : AI Personalized Learning App, ChatChamp

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8 responses to “A3 : AI Personalized Learning App, ChatChamp”

  1. Alan Lam

    Hello Olivia,

    Thank you for this forecasting project. It shows great insight of what possibilities exist when it comes to using AI to personalize learning. I do like the added notion of adding slang, dialects, and cultural nuances that exist beyond just a ‘standard’ language, that makes this project very inclusive and foreward minded. It reminds me of how there is a push for teaching African American Vernacular English (AAVE) in some schools in USA, and how AI may be biased against the wealth of knowledge that may exist within these cultures.

    What I definitely find difficult with these Chatbots is the lack of specific and contextual memories that I would want to purposefully reaccess. For example, when it comes to learning terms in a new language, especially for myself still being less competent in Chinese than I’d like to, often find myself repeatedly looking up the same word over two or three days, constantly forgetting the same term I am interested in remembering.

    If these Chatbots could include contextual memory and recall on our behalf, almost mimicking another human acting as digital mirror neurons, I think that would enhance learning through using a Chatbot AI type platform to build languaging capacity.

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  2. Richard Derksen

    Hi Olivia,

    This is a really promising forecast! As I was reading through it, I kept wondering what would differentiate this from an app like DuoLingo in the market, but the features you’ve highlighted make that clear how it’s different. I love the idea of a versatile tool that adapts to dialect and accent based on user preferences. I remember taking up Japanese in my early 20’s when I started living there and while standard Japanese was helpful, an app that could imitate dialect would have been extremely helpful to practice early on.

    In response to one of the challenges you’ve listed for teachers using ChatChamp, I think this is an ideal case study where educational standards are established for teachers prior to releasing to students. Immediate relevancy for the user stands out with this extremely versatile concept and if teachers are able to define what governance would look like using the app in professional development, then I think it may make it easier to tackle some of the challenges posed for students.

    Thanks again for your well planned forecast.


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  3. Nicole Magne

    Thank you Olivia, for a well-thought-out project. I’m curious, if any classroom teachers have experimented with voice enabled apps in the classroom already. I wonder how practical this is in real life? What would the circumstances be where multiple students could be simultaneously using voice-enabled software in the classroom setting? I envision soundproof pods to prevent sound spillages or distributions. Do we see the future of these apps as isolating or ultimately beneficial? I hope one day this type of technology will be available for Indigenous languages as well, with all the regional dialects available for future generations to learn from. I suspect you are on track to see that this concept materialize in short time. Thanks again Olivia.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Kevin Dontas

    Hi Olivia,

    Fantastic forecasted app! Your project is very well organized, naturally conversational, and easily understandable while being critical. I would love to see this app out in the world today, especially for my own learning of a second language: French! You have highlighted one of the strengths of the app as its ability to have customization options and I feel like there is another aspect where this could be tremendously helpful. In my experience with Duolingo, I am learning helpful words, verbs, and phrases but they are frantically scattered across themes. At one second I’m learning about traveling to Paris and the other second I’m learning about the cow in my living room (not a joke, this actually happened). I think it would be amazing to be able to further customize language learning to say “I want to learn the language in the context of…” a dinner setting, in a park, a hockey arena, or more helpfully “the exact type of activity I will be participating in when I am with my French-speaking friends.” To have contextual practice that is specified to your interests and your needs would be extremely helpful. You could arrive at the activity with a bunch of words, verbs, and phrases that would actually make sense to talk about. What do you think?

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  5. mabid04

    Hi Olivia,

    I really enjoyed reading through your project. I am also learning French these days and believe me I have thought of such an application myself too, where a tutor can adapt to my level, converse with me in my accent, and provide vocabulary purely based on my level. As you brought up in the challenges, independent learning can be quite difficult especially on a mobile phone as you can get distracted easily. And you forget about it as soon as life gets busy. It has happened with me too many times while using Duolingo as well. Maybe it would be a good idea to incorporate this into classrooms, and teachers can send out weekly reminders of assignments that are to be done through ChatChamp so students stay on track.

    Thank you for the work you put into this.

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  6. Rich

    Hi Olivia,
    This is a very well laid out and organized OER. I found it easy to read through and found myself nodding along. The technology is so exciting and its here. There is absolutely a demand for more language learning apps that have more affordances that you so well laid out. To me the key ones are really that conversational practice and the personalization to keep that zone of proxial development. I really like the idea of actually be able to practice interactive conversations with a chatbot.
    I personally havent found a great language app that really appeals to me, maybe I need to start looking again as maybe there are more now. If I found one that had all the affordances you laid out, I would definitely pay to subscribe to that (and I am admittedly super cheap about paying for any digital content).
    Lastly, I really agree that language is such a challenge when you walk out of the classroom and don’t find that language in your environment. The challenge becomes how to make it ‘real’ to the learners as opposed to an abstract tool that they can (hopefully) apply at a later time when the opportunity arises.

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  7. Jazz Chapman

    Hi Olivia,
    I love this app that you created! What draws me to it is that teachers can track student progress… no more faking ‘reading’ logs any more. I also like that it is more conversational. When I was in Quebec, it was difficult for me to understand what people were saying because I didn’t have much knowledge or background in conversing in French, which is extremely different than just saying a few words. As a teacher, anything that gives meaningful feedback is always up on my list because that’s the part of my job I dislike the most.
    I hope an app like this will exist in the future as I think this could help so many students and teachers!

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  8. clareyeh

    Hello Olivia,

    ChatChamp what a great name! This AI Ap seems to be a combined version of ChatGPT4 that is language-based and geographically based on the student user. ChatChamp also seems to customize its functions based on the students’ proficiencies. This Chatbot seems to be a very adaptive but the concern would be in regards to student data and privacy. I’m already familiar with Meta AI, ChatGPT4, and other AI Chatbots – why would I choose to use this app in the classroom over the others?

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