A3: The Future of Mobile Gaming
Hi everyone! Thank you for taking out the time to go through my A3 project. For this project, I have decided to explore the future of mobile gaming. In my research, I came across many mobile gaming applications that are already making huge strides in mobile gaming culture, and I also shared my own ideas […]
A3: Adolescent Smart Phone Management
By Rich Payne, August 4, 2024 Through my professional work and personal life, I have observed an ongoing need for continued dialogue on the issue of adolescent smart phone management. The role schools play and how they interact with parents is evolving and of growing importance. This year many new policies came into effect. This […]
A3: Geofencing in Education
For this assignment, I scoped the opportunity of geofencing in education. A nearly untapped technology in the sector, the lens I used for this opportunity was through my professional context. I immediately see value in using geofencing in activities related to onboarding in workplace education. You can find my presentation below via link or embedded […]
A3: Drone-Based Mobile Libraries
Northern communities have limited access to educational resources and technology. Through a recent government program, Broadband Fund: Closing the Digital Divide in Canada, 97.1% of rural communities have access to Mobile LTE. In the interest of supporting rural and remote areas, I propose the development of a drone-based mobile library program to provide educational resources […]
A3 – Big Projects: Mobile and Decentralized Groups
Hello all, Please find my A3 creation here. Happy to discuss your thoughts on it here. Devon
A3: Chats with Clarisse – What’s up with ChatGPT4?
Hello 523 Peers, Chats with Clarisse welcomes you! I made a Google site that includes a special podcast episode is about ChatGPT4, additional resources, and some notes on student user benefits. I hope you’ll have time to check out my Google site, where I have two special guests featured on this episode: Brandon and Robyn. […]
The Future of Smartphones – Implants and Brain-Computer Interfaces
Welcome to my A3: Forecasting Project in which I explore the future of smartphones. Through a 4-part YouTube Short series, I predict how the smartphone industry and how our current practice of using these mobile devices will be transformed. This project builds off on my A1: Analytical Publishing Project, in which I explore the physical […]
A3: Meet Nathan, the Conversational Research App
Meet Nathan, a combination of speech-to-text chatbots like Siri and AI research engines like Chat GPT. Coupled with the app’s ability to collect and present speech, photos, and videos, this app will do it all for students looking to explore a new subject area. Click here to listen to the Podcast on Podbean: “Forcasted Mobile […]
A3: Moving Beyond Googling
I’ve created a podcast exploring what the future of “search” looks like. In this not too distant, armed with our mobile devices and access to new AI-powered search products like Search GPT (sign up to join the waitlist), I predict the soon-to-be ancient art of Googling will be a relic for the next generation. Culturally, […]
A3: ELF – Easy Learner Facilitator
For Assignment 3 I decided to create an idea for an application that can be used on a mobile phone, tablet, and smart watch. This application will be a place for teachers to input information about the students in their classroom and guardian communication. They will also be able to see other teacher’s notes to […]