4 responses to “30 AI Tools for the Classroom”

  1. Jazz Chapman

    Magicschool.AI is the best website!

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  2. rylan klassen

    Over the last few months AI has become a really important tool/discussion within education. The explosion of Chat GPT has cause many institutions to worry about cheating, but what if AI is the new calculator? It may be just as important to teach students how and when to use AI tools as it is to survive without them. In addition, we need to start incorporating critical thinking around AI into education so student are prepared for a future riddled with AI.

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  3. Daniel Edwards

    These are exciting tools; I also found Meagan’s to be helpful.

    Another tool someone shared with me recently is MagicSchool.ai. It is an AI platform specifically for teachers with many different tools to help, ranging from language translators and idea generators to a text leveler that is supposed to change content for different levels of students.

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  4. meagan kelm

    I would also add in claude.ai and there are a few ai photo programs like night cafe and midjourney. Claude.ai has the ability to take in large amounts of texts (75000 words at once) like papers and novels and be able to summarize and analyze them in seconds. Claude.ai is also built to be more aligned with human values than other ai systems because of its use of consitutional AI. This has the chatbot following a set of principles or rules that defines what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior for the chatbot. This is supposed to reflect the ethical and social norms of the intended users.

    Midjourney and Night cafe are AI image generators that create images based on prompts you give it. Midjourney is connected to discord but has very accurate photos. Night cafe uses tokens that you get a certain amount each day. This has been great in scenario building and course creation because if you cant find an image of an example you want to use then you can create the image

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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