A1: Interactive Presentations

Interacting with interactive presentations is a game-changer in the classroom. Whether you are teaching synchronously or asynchronously, interactive presentations help students and viewers learn more and promote active engagement.

By clicking the link below or scanning the QR code, you will be able to go through an interactive presentation I created for the purpose of this assignment. Please interact with each of the components as you work through it and check back later to view others’ thoughts and answers. You will be working through an Aha Slides presentation, which is one of my students’ favourite presentation applications!

Additionally, you can see the PDF of the presentation below if you cannot go through the presentation via the link or QR code.

I will be posting the final results with everyone’s feedback to this forum (via PDF) at the end of the week.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please comment or send me an email at jasminejosephinechapman@gmail.com.




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3 responses to “A1: Interactive Presentations”

  1. Jazz Chapman

    Hi Rich,
    Thank you for your comment!
    I use Aha slides often and it works well, in fact many students ask to use it all the time. With that said, I’m late to the Mentimeter train, so it’s on my list to try for next year!
    Of course, the inappropriate phone usage is an issue. Therefore, I look to see who participated and who answered questions and will give them a grade on their participation. This helps with this issue a lot. Also, to your other point, if a student doesn’t have a device I usually try to provide a Chromebook. If they are dead or if they don’t work, students can work together and this tends to work fairly well.

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  2. Rich

    Hi Jazz,
    It was interesting to go through your slide deck, it was kind of like a product review with questions.
    I was unaware of Aha Slides, so I will definitely check out the free version and see what else it can do. Thanks! Always happy to learn about new platforms.
    I do have a subscription to MentiMeter which has been useful for presentations to large audiences. One thing I have found useful with these interactive presentation platforms is they provide the affordance of giving anonymous input, I find this really helps shy students/ or audience engage and ask questions. Sometimes when I am giving a presentation (for training purposes) before I start I want to know 1. What the people I am talking to already know 2. What they want to know. If there is no anonymous way to give this input, it can be a bit intimidating raising your hand in front of a large group because one may be afraid that their question is not of interest to others or they may already know etc… So in that, MentiMeter has been very useful for me in my work.
    In your presentation you asked if the interactive presentations bring value. I think yes, definitely that is proven as you have shown. On the other hand, I wonder if it adds enough value to risk the distraction of involving the smart phone during the lesson. And if not 100% of students have a device, they wouldn’t be able to participate. Those are the only issues I could see.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Jazz Chapman

      Hi Rich,
      Thank you for your comment!
      I use Aha slides often and it works well, in fact many students ask to use it all the time. With that said, I’m late to the Mentimeter train, so it’s on my list to try for next year!
      Of course, the inappropriate phone usage is an issue. Therefore, I look to see who participated and who answered questions and will give them a grade on their participation. This helps with this issue a lot. Also, to your other point, if a student doesn’t have a device I usually try to provide a Chromebook. If they are dead or if they don’t work, students can work together and this tends to work fairly well.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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