Many of us would agree that we’re probably on our mobile phones too often. We can be pulled away from in person social interactions because our phones have a notification on it, we are afraid of what disconnecting might mean and what we might miss. Activity Bubbles is an app that was created to help you literally see how much you are on your phone, with a goal of helping you cut back. When you download the app and start your day your wallpaper is completely black with nothing on it. Every time you unlock your phone, a bubble appears on your wallpaper. As your day progresses and you unlock your phone more and more, the more bubbles you will accumulate. Also, the longer you are on your phone, the bigger that bubble will be. The description of the app says that it’s aim is to help people find a better balance with technology. I can see how having that visual when you pick up your phone could be helpful for many people.

An area of opportunity with the app that reviewers have brought up is providing users with the ability to see which apps they are spending their time on. So, a bubble could have a little Facebook icon or Instagram icon to help people see those types of details. Another idea is allowing a bubble to be selected and data reviewed.