Originally posted by mzivkocms on September 19, 2013
The title may sound weird and to the point self-explanatory, but I see the strong causal relation between those 3 categories, that I will try to theorize in simple terms.
Year by year, the mobile technology’s positive impact on education is quite evident in all levels of institutionalized and personal education and learning in general. Mobile technology new affordances bring learning experiences to higher quality levels mainly due to higher processing speeds, increased accessibility features, bigger (in size and resolution) device screens, faster Internet and data transfer standards (LTE and 802.11ac), increased availability of educational and production apps, etc.
As an effect of technological advances, learning opportunities in general grow and become more affordable resulting in more and more learners, even the accidental ones, who through the various feedback and diagnostic usage data, patterns and error reporting systems willingly or non-willingly contribute to analysis and improvement of quality and performances of mobile software and hardware technologies, able to satisfy increased demands for effective mobile learning devices and platforms.
As the learners who are part of societies advance, they develop the higher thinking skills that have a profound effect on defining, practicing and improving primarily mobile culture and the culture in general. That newly empowered mobile culture is in bigger demand for more knowledge, requiring more access to specific learning opportunities, searching for various kinds of new mobile learning challenges, learning tools and technologies that are able to address those new mobile learning demands, and the dynamic circle is closed, constantly having an impact on every mobile category.This diagram shows that dynamic interdependency and causal relation of those 3 Mobile categories.

I thought that this was an interesting question and still quite relevant today. Since this post was written, there have been major changes in all of these three areas. Mobile Technology has improved by leaps and bounds and now we are talking about implementing 5G network which will make the connection faster and more reliable. Smartphones are ubiquitous. You can see them everywhere and most people have at least one portable device. However I feel that mobile education has made the least progress among those three areas. I feel that there is still a vast range of applications and uses of mobile education and we have just started to scratch the surface. Do you feel the same way? What is your opinion on this matter?