Originally posted by David CHO on October 13, 2019

For my A1 assignment, I’ve chosen to create a blog focusing on a mobile application called Qanda which helps solve math and science problems for students. Students can ask questions by taking a photo of the problem and A.I system finds the solutions automatically. Also, teachers can explain through the app by 1:1 chat.
Here is the link to my blog: https://zanyyoun0.wixsite.com/etec523david
There is a discussion page on my blog so thoughts and opinions are always welcome. Thank you!
Average: 4/5 Stars
I thought this app sounded interesting. I watched the video created by the author demonstrating how the app is used. Pretty cool! My only worry is that it just gives the user the answers to the math or science questions. The speed in which this can be done is impressive, but this app can easily be misused. Users can just enter all the questions found in their homework and get all the answers. I think what might be a better learning experience would be to have the user try answering the question first and perhaps the app would be able to provide feedback on whether the student was on track or not. I suppose the student could see one answer and that might help them understand the remaining ones, but I’m sure the temptation would be there to see all the answers.