My name is Katlyn Paslawski, born and raised in friendly Manitoba. I now live in Winnipeg with my boyfriend Dave and our cats. A few weeks ago we took photos on our front door steps to support local shelters and those in need during this difficult time. This is my 5th MET course alongside ETEC 540 this term and I am loving it! I enjoy the diversity of courses offered and how they are presented. I work as a High School Math and Science teacher in Winnipeg in the regular stream and a credit recovery program for struggling youth. Right now I am teaching my course online, as many of you are, and adapting to the challenges it offers. I feel very fortunate to have some knowledge and preparation to teaching online with the help of MET.

I was looking forward to Mobile and Open Learning for the connection I believe it has for my students. As teenagers they are attached to their cell phones. Now I am even more excited as during this time out of the classroom many of my students only have access to a cellphone to complete school work. This has challenged me to adapt my teaching to be mobile friendly and I hope I can come away from this course with a new perspective on mobile learning.
I am looking forward to connecting with you all online this term!
Nice to meet you, Katlyn. Are your cats Maine Coons or just long haired? They are gorgeous! I also have 2 cats – a Russian blue and a Russian blue mix.
When my dual credit course to high school seniors went online in April, I, too, realized the importance of the mobile device for my students, as many have limited access to personal computers, and are accessing our course on mobile. It’s given me a lot to consider. Best to you this semester, and I look forward to this learning journey together.
I was wondering the same thing as Mel (Maine Coons?), your cats are gorgeous! Do they get along? Since I started working at home during our lock-down I have been leaving the doors of my house open for some fresh air during the day and I’m happy to report that I get several visits from neighbor cats over the course of a week. I’m not sure the cats are so thrilled by the increased human activity in their environment but at least I’m getting something out of it.
Hi Mel and Carla! My cats are Siberian Forest Cats, brother and sister, a year apart and they get along great! Carla you must live somewhere that is already warm, although our cats stay indoors its still too cold here in Winnipeg for our neighbourhood cats to wonder about. That does make for an excitement for you though!
Hi Katlyn, it certainly is a trying time for educators and it’s very nice to see you have such connections with your students. What other courses have you taken so far? In my job as an academic advisor, I also work with students who are at the risk of being required to withdraw from the university so I guess our work can be quite similar in some ways! I look forward to learning with you this term!
Hi Pei, I have taken 500, 510, 512 and 524, how about yourself? That does sound similar, looking forward to hearing more about it.
Hey Katlyn!
I am so excited to have another course with you this term. I am really looking forward to this mobile and open learning experience. It feels so relevant to the world as we know it right now. I have also enrolled in 540 this term. I think these two will compliment each other well.
Your cats are adorable!