A3 – LearnAssist App

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This is one idea for a mobile learning App.

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4 responses to “A3 – LearnAssist App”

  1. ritu sood

    Hello Noor,
    LearnAssist App is a great tool for both students and teachers. The students can put the key words to find the videos, power point slides or simulations. It would be best to create a learning map for the student to achieve the goal or the topic of struggle. The best way/quickest way (with paid subscriptions) or (free tools only) to fill that gap.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. louisa green

    Hi Noor,

    This is a great idea for a learning app and I love your Prezi presentation. The design is really streamlined and after I figured out which direction to go using the arrows at the bottom, the path through your various sections became more clear. I might suggest numbering your sections if you want your audience to have an easy start. It was also extremely mobile in nature and very digestible in terms of time and content. Well done!

    I think we have all struggle with processing and then synthesising complex academic materials (and maybe from just everyday materials as well!) From a personal point of view, this app would be extremely useful and I would use something like this a lot. It reminds me of a kind of Pinterest for Research and Knowledge. We are inundated with so many kinds of information, media, research and knowledge from various sources at a rate these days that is excessive to what our brains have evolutionary(ly) been designed to handle. This is a ideal solution for potential information/cognitive overload syndrome and a great opportunity to search for and then safely store away information that we want to access easily anywhere and anytime (ie. Mobile and Open). I am curious if this is an app that you would design for profit or would this be a free and open platform that members of the public could add to and grow collectively? Thank you for you wonderful idea Noor!

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Lynsey Duncan

    Hi Noor, I really like this concept of LearnAssist to support students in areas of weakness. I appreciate that students would be able to indicate their preferences for materials and use it as a repository for additional study materials. I’m curious what your vision is for how the app curates content and how this might differ from current search engines? I could see it being really beneficial if users had the ability to rate the materials based on the search criteria, so students could have a guiding system of sorts to help them narrow down which resources would be more helpful to their learning objectives.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Noor

      Hi Lynsey,

      The application should narrow down the search based on the student’s educational level and cognition. The user should be answering specific questions and based on the answers, the links provided should match their understanding. The student who had this issue is actually my nephew who found some struggle reading different material without getting a satisfying clarification. I am sure there must be more to be added on to the idea.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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