GooseChase: build your own scavenger hunt

GooseChase: build your own scavenger hunt

GooseChase is a digital scavenger hunt-building platform, originally developed by university students during a hackathon at the University of Waterloo. While not as immersive as a fully-developed Augmented Reality experience, GooseChase thrives in its incredibly low barrier set up process. Small games (up to three teams) are completely free and a game can be set […]

Cassie Nichol: I snuck in here

Cassie Nichol: I snuck in here

Hello all, I’m grateful to be joining this course as an MA student in Educational Studies. I am in my third (and hopefully final) year of my program and was granted permission to take this course as an elective based upon my professional and academic interest in mobile and open learning. I’m incredibly excited to […]