Wearable Technologies and the Social Side of Fitness Tracking
Originally posted by ttrembl on October 24, 2019 Here is another post about wearable technology and the social side of fitness tracking or the current mobile culture of working out. A number of brands have developed wearable technology where the user can pair the watch with their smart phones in order to track most everything. With the […]
Droplets – Sibling of Duo Lingo
Droplets is the kids’ version of Drops. The app was launched earlier this year and is a language learning app that offers bite-sized, interactive vocabulary drills in 37 languages. Currently, this app is only available on mobile devices, not on PCs yet. I recommend the app for the following three reasons: first, the app’s dragging, […]
Originally Posted by Rebecca on January 13, 2019 VoiceThread is an app that can be used for interactive instruction. It’s format is very much like PowerPoint; however, users are able to comment on what they see. I used it a few years ago, and am coming back to it again here. When I consider […]
Parental Controls – An Illusion?
Original post by derek doherty on September 12, 2019 https://journals.lww.com/jan/FullText/2018/04000/Does_Parental_Control_Work_With_Smartphone.8.aspx As a parent of an 11 year old I am keenly aware that one of the biggest influences on how she uses her mobile phone is the behaviour I model. I am not always the best role model, and now I have got the perfect […]
Hello from Vancouver
My name is Ceci and I have been teaching for 10 years in Vancouver now. I am a language teacher, teaching from grade 7 to grade 12. I hold a Master of Arts degree from East China Normal University, majoring in translation studies. As an educator, I am excited about the changes that technology brings […]