A3: Redefining your journey with anxiety
Do you have a group of friends that you would do anything for? Perhaps you have a favourite student, one that you know has a story that’s not being shared, who struggles to pay attention or always seems tired. Have you had a student, family member, or colleague struggle with anxiety? Anxiety can come in […]
A1 – Seeing through the eyes of others
More than 500,000 adults in Canada live with a learning disability (LD). Many recognize they struggle to read, write or learn but are unaware of the root cause while others who know they have an LD choose to keep it private rather than ask for help or utilize assistive technology to improve their ability to […]
It’s a ZOO out there!
Mackenzie Moyer shared a post on the MET FB group at the JoeZoo app. If you’re not part of the group or skipped over, I thought I would share as it is quite interesting and has a potential use of educators, tutors, and potentially copywriting consultants or editors. https://getjoezoo.com/ The app touts itself as “a […]
What is your infection prevention IQ?
The 3rd week of October is International Infection Prevention and Control week and celebrated within healthcare facilities around the globe to bring attention to infection prevention. With the discussion around misinformation, I thought I would share an online infection prevention training course I had developed with my team at the company I have since left. […]
Hello from an Oakville Hockey Mom
Oh, where to start. My name is Nicole Kenny. I live in Oakville, ON with my husband of 20 years, a 12-year old son who plays rep hockey, 2 cats and a dog. Until February of this year, I was the Vice President of Professional and Technical Services at Virox Technologies Inc., a Canadian company […]