The purpose of this app will:

  • track progress
  • collect data long term
  • offer strategies for  students to practice self-regulation

The app is called, “Core Competency Tracker”

So, what are Core Competencies?
The Core Competency are, “sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning. Along with literacy and numeracy foundations, they are central to British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum and assessment system and directly support students in their growth as educated citizens.” (Core Competencies – BC’s New Curriculum)

Learning is a life long journey  because “competency development does not end with school graduation but continues in personal, social, educational, and workplace contexts.” (Core Competencies – BC’s New Curriculum)


There are 3 areas of the Core Competencies:

  • Communication
  • Thinking
  • Personal and Social

Here is a visual to show how the competencies are broken down :

Some students who have IEP – (Inclusive Education Plan) have very specific goals that are focused in either 1 specific area or all 3 areas.

Currently, in order for teachers to assess the student’s goals, they will revisit the hard copy of the IEP and discuss with classroom teachers and the team to assess whether or not the students achieved their goals.

Sometimes it is challenging to keep abreast of all the goals. Many of the goals are on paper or must be hand written. It would be easier to revisit the goals that were contained in one app but still kept confidential. It would be also keep students accountable if they were reminded of their own goals, as they need independence in this life long journey.

Why is all of this important? click here for next page